Church Staff

Mark Siekbert Sr and Tammy Siekbert


Pastor Mark was saved at the age of 15 and was called to preach in 1984 while attending School of the Scriptures at First Baptist Church of Milford, OH. Tammy was saved at age 11 at Berean Baptist Church in Greenwood, IN. They were married and entered the full-time ministry in 1988.  They spent 35 years in ministry, with 30 of those in foreign missions work. Their goal was always to train national men to plant churches and continue after they were gone.  After many years in foreign mission work, God began to burden their hearts for America. Their burden for America is to bring up the next generation of godly servants here in America. Pastor Mark accepted the call to serve at Faith Independent Baptist in May of 2020. 

Dave Jones and Donna Jones


Brother Dave has been married to his wife Donna for 56 years. He was saved at age 17 and surrendered to God's call to the ministry in 1970.

He pastored a church in South Lebanon Ohio from 1973 to 1976. In 1976 he answered the call to full time evangelism and continued this until 1994.

Brother Dave took over as pastor of Orchard Street Baptist, now Faith Independent Baptist, starting in 2000. He recently retired from the pastorate and is now our full time staff evangelist.

Mark Siekbert Jr and DeAnne Siekbert


Mark was saved at age 5 and DeAnne was saved at age 17. They were married in 2011.

After serving 6 years in the Marines, God led Mark to surrender to serve the Lord in the ministry. He graduated from Biblical School of World Evangelism in 2021. Mark and DeAnne have a love for teens. They served in the bus ministry at First Baptist Church of Milford for 8 years. During that time they began a Thursday evening teen route and discipleship class. In 2021 God led them to join us at Faith to lead our youth and be trained in church ministry.